Functional wellness health coaching nationwide and chiropractic care in Chattanooga, TN. 
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Virtual health coaching nationwide and chiropractic care in Chattanooga, TN.


Our motto is Expert Care, Personally Done. We respect that you are the best authority on what is going on in your body. Through personalized evaluations, thorough health history, along with any necessary functional imaging or testing, we identify the root cause behind symptoms and develop a multi-therapeutic approach customized to your health goals.
Fundamentally, we know that God created the body to heal. Through a holistic approach that spans chiropractic care to optimize neural function, functional nutrition, supplement protocols, and detoxification, we remove interference to the healing process and provide the body with the proper support it needs.  
With the ultimate goal to optimize overall function at the cellular level, we have helped thousands regain their health and we can’t wait to help you.
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Functional Nutrition

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Customized Supplementation

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Biohacking & Lifestyle Support 

Check out the Newest Therapy in our Healthcenter 

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) 

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Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves breathing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber, significantly increasing the amount of oxygen your blood can carry.

This enhanced oxygen delivery promotes faster healing, reduces inflammation, and combats infection, making it an effective tool to over 120 recognized conditions and for prevention and health optimization. 

People choose HBOT to accelerate recovery, boost overall wellness, and improve their quality of life by leveraging the body's natural healing processes.

Check It Now


Dr. Nathan works in Men’s Health and Children. And Dr. Rebecca works with Women. 
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Individual Consultations

Individual consultations allow us to coach clients on how to heal the body at a cellular level through functional nutrition, labs and testing, supplement protocols, and lifestyle changes. Learn more about this service on our consultations page.
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Group Coaching

Our most popular functional wellness option allows you to interact directly with the doctor in a small group format! Join one of our 7-week group coaching programs. Dr. Nathan offers his Men’s Metabolic Reset and Dr. Rebecca offers her Thyroid Inner Circle
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Video Courses

Learn a functional wellness approach to health at your own pace with our video courses! This is a great option for those self-motivated to take control of their health. Foundations of Nutrition and The Advanced Toxin Elimination courses now available. 
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Wholistic CHIROPRACTIC CARE For the WHOLE Family 


We know structure equals function! In our clinic, Chattanooga Family Chiropractic, we work with the latest structural corrective techniques to restore the optimal postural position of the spine.
The closer the spine is to an optimal position the better you feel, move, and function. We accomplish this through specific and safe structural chiropractic adjustments and physical therapy to re-educate the soft tissue to hold the spine in a new position.
Our goal will always be for optimal function, when your brain is able to communicate efficiently and well with the rest of your body the better you are able to live life. 


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The Wellness Radio, the largest health-focused radio show in Chattanooga, airs live on WGOW-FM Talk! 102.3 every Saturday at 10AM Eastern.

Order supplements through my Fullscript store.


Lies Your Doctor Told You: Cholesterol is BAD (Part 2)

Lies Your Doctor Told You: Cholesterol is BAD (Part 1)

Lies Your Doctor Told You: Don't Skip Breakfast!

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Disclaimer: This content is strictly the opinion of Drs. Warren and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All recipients of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Drs. Warren do not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All recipients of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.