Thyroid Hormones, Sex Hormones, Healing After Thyroidectomy 


Thyroid Labs EBook
Thyroid Community


My approach to thyroid and hormonal health is simple but powerful: get to the cause, then support the body to heal itself.
You body is created to heal itself even if you’ve been through surgeries, even if you’ve been on meds, even if your doctor hasn’t helped you yet. And my job is not to treat you- my job is to identify the biggest stressors that are causing dysregulation so that your body can do what it was created to do. 
Thyroid hormones don't work on its own, so when they are off, it not only affects the entire endocrine system, but all systems within the body. This is why just getting a thyroid dysfunction diagnosis doesn’t mean you’ll ever get well, and in fact can make you worse over time. Likewise, hormonal imbalances indicate something is systemically wrong in the body. In Chattanooga and virtually around the world, I coache women with all background  on optimal thyroid care via customized plans utilizing lab work and testing, supplements, and functional nutrition. 



This is the only way to recieve ongoing care and access to Dr. Rebecca.

You have the opportunity to be equipped to understand your hormones and how to get yourself well- but you will also have the opportunity to book 1:1 consults on Doctor Clinic dates should you need more 1:1 on support.

This is for those with a thyroid or healing after thyroidectomy.


1:1 Jumpstart Coaching Program 

Are you ready to commit to an intensive, focused program to take your health to the next level?

This is for the woman that is needing more personalized 1:1 care in a 3-6 month period.

The goal is to see significant changes in that period of time while learning how to continue healing beyond that.


Learn More

The Healing After Thyroidectomy 6- Week Reset

Whether you’re preparing yourself for a thyroidectomy, just had one done, or have had yours removed years before- this reset is for you. 

You will learn everything you need to do to make sure your hormones are optimal and you are healing well. This will be information you will be able to implement for the rest of your life. 

Join Waitlist

Self Guided Options 

  • Order your own Labs or functional tests
  • Order a Written protocol according to your own labs 
  • Order Dr. Rebecca’s favorite and trustworthy supplements according to different needs
  • Functional Testing Consult Add-on Consult*

*This option is to go over results  on any of the Functional tests ordered. 


Not sure which is the best option for you? Have any questions? 

Shoot us an email at [email protected] and we can help answer any questions. 


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There is something to be said about a  Doctor that doesn't just know *how* to help you get well but someone who knows *what* it's like to have to go through serious health issues and want to be better. And that is one of the things that sets Dr. Rebecca apart, she *knows* what it's like to not be well and wants to finally get answers and be the best version of herself possible.  
At 19, she was diagnosed with Follicular Variant Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma and was immediately sent in to get her thyroid removed and was given high dose radiation. She was told that everything would be okay because now she would be on a pill for the rest of her life. But then she started struggling: brain fog, memory issues, irregular cycles, anxiety, weight loss and depression... all before the age of 21. All while being told that her  labs looked good. 
 The problem, she realized, is that a sick body makes a sick thyroid, and no surgery, radiation, or medication can cover that up. She realized at that point that it was vitally important that she got down to the cause of her dysfunction and allowed her body to heal.
Dr. Rebecca received her Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University in Marietta, GA. Through constant research, formal training, and personal experience, she has become a leading expert on helping women with sex hormones, thyroid hormones, and healing after thyroidectomy.
She has spent the last decade and a half plus not only reclaiming her own health, but also coaching women in Chattanooga and across the world that achieve optimal  health by working *with* the body.


The idea for this podcast came from a thought that has popped up continuously for the last 17 years of Dr. Rebecca's health journey: I wish I knew then what I know now.  
So this podcast was born. It is quite frankly all the things she wishes someone had shared with her - things to encourage her, to educate her on the truth on healing, and the things to empower her on her health journey. 
Her hope for you is that when you listen, that you also feel those things. And if you take what she shares and implement it, that (1) you can prevent being in a doctor’s office feeling like your only choice is to remove your thyroid, or (2) if you had your thyroid removed, that you can start to heal and not suffer all the years she did, looking for the right resources and answers. 
If you are ready to live the best life possible post-thyroidectomy, or after being diagnosed with a thyroid disorder, this podcast is for you.
At a time when the answer to thyroid issues is medication, radiation, and surgery, it’s time to do something different. She gives you the hope and the tools to take your health back into your hands. You will hear from her own experience, both personally and from coaching others, as well as what the research shows.



This is your first step in reclaiming your health. Learn about the most important labs you need today and why.
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Order supplements through my Fullscript store.


The Thyroid Inner Circle Community is a group membership for women who are ready to learn a functional approach to reclaiming their thyroid and hormone health. The community is designed for women of all ages who have hormonal imbalances, are post-thyroidectomy, or have Hashimotos or a similar condition.
  • One monthly group coaching session
  • One monthly open Q&A
  • Lab-work check-ins
  • Savings on supplements and tests
  • Group resets... and more!
 Each month focuses on a new topic related to thyroid or hormone health, delivering to you the most up-to-date functional wellness strategies in a structured, easy-to-follow pace. Join now, and get instant access to the previous sessions!
Get Dr. Rebecca’s personalized answers to your health questions and feedback on your labs, all in a group format setting.



"My first encounter with Dr. Rebecca was her Talk Radio Show on WGOW 102.3 FM on a Saturday morning. She was sharing her testimony concerning her thyroid condition when she was a teenager, and how she would have responded differently had she known what she knows today. This piqued my interest, as I too have issues with my thyroid. As she continued, I sensed her heart and passion concerning natural remedies to heal the body. I had recently undergone medical procedures surrounding a breast cancer diagnosis. As my thyroid condition was stable, I was more concerned about recovering my body from the cancer (radiation) treatments. I was convinced that I needed her as a wellness coach.

Upon meeting with her, I began to understand the necessity to change my mindset for a lifestyle change. She recommended and assisted me in consulting with my medical doctors to transition from their prescribed medications to a more natural treatment with supplements and lifestyle changes. These lifestyle changes included a more wholesome diet consuming organic foods. Additionally, fasting (intermittent fasting for a ninety-day timeframe) helped transition me into a five-day water fast, which jumped started the healing process. Natural remedies along with a five-day water fast, which I never thought I could do, allowed my body to experience relief from stomach/digestive issues and less aches and pains throughout my body due to the medically prescribed medications. I would highly recommend these lifestyle changes, which move the body into a state of natural healing as originally intended by God when He created us." Mamie B.

"I met Dr. Rebecca at a perfect time in my life; I needed support of my body and overall sense of wellbeing. After over 15 years of a very busy life, traveling, buying our first home and working… I was exhausted.  As a self-starter and very optimistic person, I didn’t want to admit that I was starting to feel “old” at 43. I kept telling myself that I just needed a couple days off or a vacation.  What I learned working with Dr. Rebecca was that our bodies have an amazing capacity to heal and we can feel “young” at really any age. 

As she guided me through shifts in my nutrition, eating habits and how to create a healthy home, I realized while I had been doing some things really right, I hadn’t been able to put together a whole program for myself.  Her wealth of knowledge pours into what she does, it shows by the connections she makes explaining what is happening and how we are going to heal and build it back. She focuses on the healing of the body without any negative outlook, which I really appreciate.

Since February 2021 I’ve followed her recommendations to a T. The results are really starting to impress me! Symptoms I’ve had for over 5 years are gone, my energy is boosting back, my inner calm is growing and my physical strength is building! Plus I’m losing weight, I’d been slowing putting on weight and had no luck in the last 4 years to take it off. 

It’s really making me realize how important our state of health is and how much it truly affects us on all levels. It can slowly go away to the point you don’t realize it until one day I looked at a photo and didn’t know myself. I will never let that happen again. Thanks to Dr. Rebecca, I don’t have to." - Aimee M.

"I heard about Dr. Rebecca from my family chiropractor, Dr. Krysta O'Neill at Lititz Family Chiropractic.  I was experiencing lightheadedness, stomach pain, high blood pressure, heart palpitations, trouble swallowing, difficulty sleeping, and very sore red eyes. I was a mess! I had tried a variety of prescription medications and over the counter products before I ended up visiting the emergency room when the symptoms got too severe to manage. The diagnosis was that I had an issue with my thyroid. This was all occurring while I was continuing to exercise, thinking I was eating well and trying to manage stress effectively. Clearly that wasn't working!

After explaining the symptoms and diagnosis to my chiropractor, Dr. Krysta, she told me she knew exactly who I should contact, Dr Rebecca. I did some research and then made an appointment on Dr. Rebecca's website. I'm so glad I did!  After working with Dr. Rebecca for about 5 months, my heart palpitations and stomach pain are gone, and all other symptoms have improved dramatically.  I would say that Dr. Rebecca's ability to get to the root causes of my symptoms and address those directly has made all the difference. Dr. Rebecca is available to answer any of my questions and give support whenever needed, as well as being a patient and helpful teacher to those of us who are new to functional wellness.  Finding her has been a real blessing to me!" - Linda M.

"My story began in 2017, when I decided to get off the birth control pill. My husband and I were having more conversations about starting a family and I never had felt completely “normal” during the 6 years I was on the pill. While on the pill I developed melasma, dermatitis, had reccurring headaches that sometimes turned into migraines, as well as numerous digestive issues (bloating, upset stomach, etc.). However, upon getting off the pill, things got worse. I experienced fatigue, hair loss, horrible mood swings, shorter periods, intense sugar cravings, and weight gain. 

I began doing research into different supplements I could take that might help, but I felt like I was just shooting in the dark. I lacked true knowledge and understanding about what exactly was going on in my body and why. I talked to a friend about what I was experiencing, and she recommended I set up an appointment with Dr. Rebecca. After 2.5 years of seeing little to no progress from my efforts and hearing from numerous doctors that I should just get back on birth control or some other medication, or that it was due to my age and normal to be experiencing what I was experiencing, I was definitely eager to try a different approach! 

Dr. Rebecca changed my life. I embraced her methods wholeheartedly because I felt like she met me where I was at and was able to shed light on each and every issue I was having. She provided me with knowledge and practical steps to take, which empowered me! Upon implementing her specific plan for me, I saw changes in my energy level, my mood improved, and I felt motivated again. My headaches and digestive issues are now practically non-existent. My hormones are more balanced and my period is a normal cycle! Furthermore, when I do experience an issue, I have the tools and understanding now to know what to do. So, to anyone who is ready to make and see a change in their life, it’s time! Let Dr. Rebecca come alongside you so you can get your life back. You’re worth it." - Leanne R.





"Understanding Your Thyroid Condition" on The Resetter Podcast with Dr. Mindy Pelz
"Best Ways to Support Thyroid Health" on The Keto Kamp Podcast with Ben Azadi
"Subtle Nuances of Thyroid Healing" on Living La Vida Low Carb Podcast with Jimmy Moore

Disclaimer: This content is strictly the opinion of Drs. Warren and is for informational and educational purposes only. It is not intended to provide medical advice or to take the place of medical advice or treatment from a personal physician. All recipients of this content are advised to consult their doctors or qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Drs. Warren do not take responsibility for possible health consequences of any person or persons reading or following the information in this educational content. All recipients of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement, or lifestyle program.